- First, it is has a cob oven.
- Second, it is a farm.
- Third, it is a school.
- Fourth, it is sometimes used as a community oven.
- Fifth, sometimes they teach baking classes there.
Vicki Mansoor told me a bit about how they have used their oven. (A new one is being built.)
I used the oven throughout the school year for an early childhood
program. The children are given dough, sing and talk and make all
kinds of shapes. They put them on the bread board and out to the
dragon oven they went. Sometimes the children stay and watch.
Sometimes they carry the hot bread back on their little boards.
We eat it with our butter and honey from our bees.
Our grade school program uses it at times. We roast corn, dry squash, make soulcake breads at halloween, pumpkin pies, etc.
I bake loaves for myself and a few others, along with dinner; neighbors add theirs too. We have had community festival/parties where we make pizzas. We have invited people to come bake their own loaves and bring one to share.
And, we have given bread baking workshops occasionally - with a guest baker and more.