Someone else reviewing my links pointed out that I had confused Peterborough, Ontario, Canada (which has a Facebook community organization page). with Peterborough, New Hampshire.
Oddly enough, while I have been able to find a couple of mentions of the oven at Peterborough, NH, there is a bit more available on Peterborough, Ontario.
For Peterborough, NH, I found these two references:
- "Kin Schilling ... organized school kids to build a community bread oven in Peterborough" (link)
- "[O]ur community kitchen, grill, fire pit and outdoor Cobb/wood-fired C/Pizza oven offer great opportunities for cooking, often in community." (link)
For Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, I found these links:
- Their Facebook community organization page
- Mention of a survey asking for input about the oven
- A more recent online article that mentions the outdoor brick oven
It's kind of interesting to contrast these two efforts. The NH oven is a cob oven built in 2009. The Ontario oven is planned to be brick, but isn't built yet.
There is something to be said for having a good oven now instead of a great oven sometime in the future. (These are not mutually exclusive alternatives.)
Regardless of those issues, I wish good luck to both community ovens, and I'm sorry I got them confused.